Short: reads ZX-Spectrumdisks (betadisk interface DS80) Type: misc/emu Author: (Andreas Schönburg) Uploader: (Andreas Schönburg) ATTENTION ABSOLUT BETAVERSION NO GUARANTEE FOR ANYTHING!! Betadisk reads on my A4000/EC 030 from DF0: every spectrumdisk written with BetaDisk-interface in format 3,5"DS80 into an imagefile. You have to run it from CLI, with stack set at least to 6000. If you give it a parameter, a '.trk' is added and it's used as path/filename. Without parameter it produces a file 'ram:zx.trk'. On account of it's beta-state, no errors are recognized! That means: -it will crash, if no correct betadisk is inserted! -it may crash if the trackdisk.device tryes to rekognice a new inserted disk(you have to wait until the drive-led is off)